Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Muay Thai Jab Turorial

Here's a simple video tutorial on how to throw a Muay Thai jab. Hope this helps you to correct your technique while practising at home. More video tutorials coming soon.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Basic Steps To Mastering Muay Thai


1) Learning The Right Technique
In any drills that you execute, jab, elbows, teep, roundhouse kick, or any other drills, ensure to learn the correct technique first. Proper technique will improve your stability, power, speed and even prevent you from unnecessary injuries. Learn from a good trainer, look in the mirror and adjust your posture to the correct technique.
2) Drilling The Muay Thai Technique
Now that you know the correct technique, you have to drill it over and over again. Let your body feel comfortable with the technique until it becomes normal. Start slow, get the technique right, add more speed and power once you get hold of the technique. You do not have spend hours, just around 15 minutes practicing on one technique is good enough.
3) Situation Drilling Of The Technique
So now you are comfortable with the technique. Time to test how the technique works. You can either do it with your partner or do pad works. This is where you have a target in front of you and you can see how effective the technique is, at the same time improve yourself. Accuracy, balance, effectiveness, footwork, and many more if I were to list down everything. Repeat on the same technique over and over again. Basically this apply to almost everything. The best way  to learn, remember and understand is always to repeat, repeat and repeat.
4) Trying The Technique In A Live Situation
No, I am not asking you to go out and look for fights. You have practiced the technique, drilled it over and over again, you are comfortable with it, now it is time to test how it can work during a live situation. Controlled sparring. Controlled sparring simply means testing your new technique with your sparring partner. You may be able to perform the technique on heavy bags, but it does not have reflects, so you are completely safe even if you do not do it correctly. But your sparring partner has reflects, he can block, he can move, he can return more hits. So now is the time to learn how to apply the technique. Finding the right time, the right angle, the moving target, the defence and many more.
Always learn muay thai the safe way and enjoy the art.
Hope these helps you my friends.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Muay Thai Hand Wrap Tutorial

There are many ways to put on the hand wrap for Muay Thai. This is my favourite way because of the thick layers on the knuckles. Do check it out. Very simple and easy to follow.

Friday, 5 June 2015

Benefits of Muay Thai

If you are wondering what benefits you can gain from Muay Thai workouts, these are a few of many benefits that may clear your doubts. Take Muay Thai workouts as an alternative to your fitness programs. Be physically and mentally fit through Muay Thai.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Basic Muay Thai Program

In the basic program, clients will be taught on the basic techniques and moves in Muay Thai such as how to throw a punch/kick, the various types of strikes, the movement of the body, the transition from one strike to another, and many more. On top of that, body weight workouts are also included in the program so that clients will get to strengthen and condition their body. This will enable the clients to improve on their fitness, increase stamina, improve endurance, not forgetting a better physique.
We conduct personal trainings and also private group trainings where clients can form a group with their loved ones, families and friends.
Usage of gym is totally not necessary, as we will travel to the clients' preferred location of training such as parks, halls, compound of the condominium, bungalow, anywhere at the clients' convenience, with all our training equipments.